@input var idxIn:{ var textureIndex : Float};
var calculatedUV:Vec2;
var textureColor:Vec4;
@var var texIndex:Float;
@param var texture1:Sampler2D;
@param var texture2:Sampler2D;
@param var texture3:Sampler2D;
@param var texture4:Sampler2D;
@param var texture5:Sampler2D;
@param var texture6:Sampler2D;
@param var texture7:Sampler2D;
function __init__() {
texIndex = idxIn.textureIndex;
function fragment() {
var t0 = textureColor;
var index = int(texIndex);
if (index == 1) textureColor = texture1.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 2) textureColor = texture2.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 3) textureColor = texture3.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 4) textureColor = texture4.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 5) textureColor = texture5.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 6) textureColor = texture6.get(calculatedUV) else if (index == 7) textureColor = texture7.get(calculatedUV) else textureColor = t0;
An s2d shader that allows binding up to 7 additional textures.