new (map:TiledMapData, layer:TmxTileLayer, ?parent:Object)
addTile (tx:Int, ty:Int, ox:Float, oy:Float, tile:TmxTile):Void
gidAt (x:Int, y:Int):Int
inlineadd (x:Float, y:Float, t:Tile):Void
inlineaddAlpha (x:Float, y:Float, a:Float, t:Tile):Void
inlineaddColor (x:Float, y:Float, r:Float, g:Float, b:Float, a:Float, t:Tile):Void
inlineaddTransform (x:Float, y:Float, sx:Float, sy:Float, r:Float, t:Tile):Void
clear ():Void
count ():Int
Returns the number of tiles added to the group
invalidate ():Void
If you want to add tiles after the GPU memory has been allocated (when the tilegroup with sync/displayed), make sure to call invalidate() first to force a refresh of your data.
@:value({ alpha : 1.0 })setDefaultColor (rgb:Int, alpha:Float = 1.0):Void